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Kunstbok Oslo is supported by Bildende Kunstneres Hjelpefond.

Tekstbyrået / Nina Mauno Schjønsby & Halvor Haugen

Gi meg alt hva du kan. Forloren Skildpadde av Camilla Collett og Emilie Diriks(2024)


The handwritten journal "Forloren Skildpadde" was published in 1837 by Camilla Collett and Emilie Diriks. The two friends, both in their twenties, served as the editors and the only writers for the publication. "Forloren Skildpadde" is a remarkable example of how self-publication could create a platform for expression in a time women and alike had few if any arenas to publicly be seen and heard. Through intense writing, Collett and Diriks’ letters contained not only advice and constructive critique but also courage and motivation — they taught each other how to write, and to get better. With "Forloren Skildpadde" they created a space where they could define what was worth giving attention and how on their own terms. This book search for a better understanding of what made it possible to accomplish "Forloren Skildpadde" — despite the narrow gender roles and lack of social plasticity at the time. It also frames how their publishing is part of a larger context and related to other independent publications at that time and up to this day. Ps. The dish forloren skilpadde served as inspiration for Collett and Diriks, it is a complicated dish any woman should know how to make in 1837. However, Collett and Diriks decided to make a literary counterpart of the dish.

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Tekstbyrået / Nina Mauno Schjønsby & Halvor Haugen

Nina Mauno Schjønsby is a writer and freelance editor, and cofounder of Tekstbyrået forlag together with Halvor Haugen. She frequently works with public and private archives as a point of departure. Some recent publications are "Lyset i flatene. I arkivet etter Harriet Backer" in collaboration with Hedevig Anker (Uten tittel 2021), the anthology "Kvisten på grenen, grenen på treet: Unge Kunstneres Samfund 1921–2021" in collaboration with UKS and Halvor Haugen (Press 2021), the artist book "Kokebok for indigosoler. Bente Sætrang" (Uten Tittel, 2023) and the book "Gi meg alt hva du kan. Forloren Skildpadde av Camilla Collett og Emilie Diriks" (IGWTLI Publishing & Tekstbyrået forlag).

Low Quality PlaceholderTekstbyrået / Nina Mauno Schjønsby & Halvor Haugen